Tag: #WordwideFXServices

  • What does it take for a middle-class, self made moviemaker to become a billionaire and rank #107 in the Forbes list 400? Talent - of course; lots of luck to be in the right place at the right time - probably; insight or vision to tell what people want to read, or see, or listen to - yeah, that ...

  • Across America, it’s becoming increasingly common to hear the use of the Southern contraction “Y’all,” a linguistic fusion of the words “you” and “all.” It may be partly because of the spread of Southern influence nationwide, but it also fills an important need in the English language, said Southern linguist Thomas Nunnally. “It’s being adopted ...

  • Translated into Korean by Wordwide FX
    금일 중국 CSI300 지수가 1% 이상 상승하면서 주식 투자자들의 중앙은행에 대한 믿음은 계속되고 있습니다. 2월 3일 저점 3,639을 기록한 후 10.9% 올라 춘제 연후 이후 낙폭을 거의 다 만회했습니다. 지난번 역RP 금리 인하를 단행했던 중국인민은행은 이번에 금융기관에 대한 중기대출 금리를 3.25%에서 3.15%로 인하했습니다. 또한 중국인민은행은 1,000억 위안 규모의 역RP 를 금융기관에 투입한다고 발표했습니다. 이러한 조치에 이어 금주 말에는 신종코로나 확산의 타격을 완화하기 위한 기준금리 인하가 단행될 가능성이 높습니다. 

  • The first "regulator" in history was created in Barcelona in 1401. That year, a bank of exchange and of common and safe deposit was established under the authority of the municipal magistracy, that ended up working as a de facto regulator of commerce and bankers. The Casa de canvi ("house of exchange" in Catalan) was the ...

  • Many people think that we linguists speak lots of languages. While this is not usually true, it is a fact that we are curious about all of them - that is certainly my case. I took up Hebrew a while ago when I was a student at the University of Barcelona. This was my fisrt contact with a ...